Guidance for the Un-Churched

A Tender, Gentle, Holy Mother

The faithful living and the faithful departed are all one in God's love, one in their likeness to Christ, one in their baptismal hope. This is the communion of saints we profess in the Creed. Secondary laws of time and place are set-aside at your Catholic Cemeteries and the primary law of eternal love emerges. No one, no time, no place is outside God's plan to embrace us with faithful love, tender mercy and boundless compassion.

Founded in 1857, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Catholic Cemeteries have a long tradition of dedicated, comforting service to the Catholic community, extending to non-Catholic spouses, children, parents, other relatives and friends.

The Church is a tender, gentle Holy Mother, who, in the manner of Christ, seeks to heal and gather. Catholics who have been indifferent to or alienated from the Church might see dying and death as a chance to find an embrace of acceptance and welcome. After all, each person's faith is known to God alone. (Eucharistic Prayer IV)


A Tradition of Comforting Concern

Mailing Address
Archdiocese of Milwaukee Catholic Cemeteries
7301 West Nash Street
Milwaukee WI 53216


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