Granite Memorial Dealers

This area is primarily for Granite Monument Dealers at a distance from the Milwaukee area or those closer-by who do not regularly place memorials in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Catholic Cemeteries.

For the exact street addresses and phone and fax number of our cemeteries, click Our Cemeteries tab above.

Foundation Form

This is to be filled out for every granite memorial (marker or monument) and vase. The foundation fee and vase installation fee must be paid in full at the time of submission. The Catholic Cemeteries install all markers, monuments and vases. When delivering a monument, call the cemetery of installation to arrange a date and time so the item can be set at the graves withhout further handling.

Location Request Form

Markers and monuments must conform to policies regarding size and style. Please print out this form and submit it to the cemetery office where the question is.


A Tradition of Comforting Concern

Mailing Address
Archdiocese of Milwaukee Catholic Cemeteries
7301 West Nash Street
Milwaukee WI 53216


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